Take Me Back To New Orleans   (Gramophone Productions 300)   Michael Braithwaite, Joe S. Kromer

Sides face, grand square
Take me back to New Orleans
Take me back to where that music's playin'
You never know what it means, boy
Take me back to New Orleans

Allemande and weave
Bring a plate of rice and beans
Serve me up a mess of jambalaya

Swing, promenade
You never know what it means, boy
Take me back to New Orleans

FIGURE 1 & 3

Heads square thru 4 hands round now
All the way and dosado
Swing thru, the boys run right
Bend the line, a right & left thru
Flutter wheel go straight across
Slide thru, swing and all promenade
Take me where that music plays
Before I go insane


Sides square thru 4 hands round now
All the way and dosado
Touch 1/4, scoot back and then
The boys run right, do the right & left thru
Dixie style, make your wave and
Boys cross run, swing and all promenade
Take me where that music plays
Before I go...


Sides face, grand square
4 boys promenade
Swing, promenade

(Or sing words from Opener)


Sides face, grand square
Down Bienville, cross Royal
'Long Chartres to Jackson Square
Where the marching band goes by
The people stand and stare

Heads square thru 4
Take St. Peter up to Burgundy
Swing corner, promenade
Take me where that music plays
Before I go...


Sides face, grand square
Bienville! ... Royal! ...
Chartres! ... Jackson Square!
Due my love to New Orleans

Allemande left and weave
Take me back to New Orleans
Take me back to where that music's playin'
You never know what it means, boy
Take me back to New Orleans


Circle left
Take me back to New Orleans

Gramophone Productions: http://www.gramophoneprocutions.de